Monday, October 10, 2005

desperate times.

girl 1 (to girl 2): i saw the strangest thing today.
girl 2: what was that?
girl 1: i saw this girl actually, purposely, fall down the stairs in order to get a guy's attention.
girl 2: no.
girl 1: yes. she was walking and i saw her look back, check out this hot guy, raise an eyebrow, and then sort of chuck her semi-full plastic bag in front of her and kind of fall to the side of it. right down the stairs.
girl 2: no.
girl 1: yes.
girl 2: are you sure?
girl 1: yes.
girl 2: what was in the plastic bag?
girl 1: possibly clothing.
girl 1: so, the guy comes running over and asks her if she's okay, if he should call someone, he doesn't want to move her if she's really hurt. and then they talk during the whole train ride until he gets off at his stop.
girl 2: he must have been really cute.
girl 1: yes, yes he was.


At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funnier if I imagine that it was you that did this.


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