Monday, August 06, 2007

the great youth mirage

as the 25th year of my existence comes to a close, i am forced to add a nightly application of anti-wrinkle cream to my face-washing/tooth-brushing routine and during those extra few minutes reflect on what has now become my full subscription to the lobotomized personality this nation has come to posess. over the past year i’ve watched at least one episode of each and every reality television show aired. which, as you might have noted from my earlier entries, is more television than i’ve been subjected to in the past 5 years. i’ve emerged a slightly less- intelligent person with one conclusion: the single most important value in this country today is youth. as my own deteriorates, i feel compelled to examine the underlying implications of this youth mirage the whole damn country is chasing after. several ideas have sprung: while i initially bashed this country with my holier than though baseball bat over the idea, i eventually came to my senses (probably while applying the wrinkle cream) and was forced to at least mull over my role in its propagation. the youth mirage has invaded all corners of our lives from billboards to tv screens to Friday nights at the local pub when you witness your boyfriend lusting after a girl half your age. my initial repulsion of the youth mirage (especially as it applies to women) is that youth is coincident with ignorance, inexperience, naive insecurity, and basically all the attributes that, when adopted by females, would put an end to the ever pungent reality that we are ultimately the stronger and more efficient sex. indeed if this nation can convince a mature, confident, strong woman that she should mold herself back into an 18 year old girl in order to maintain her attractiveness, it is basically telling her that everything she’s learned and experienced and built herself into is inconsequential and she will progress farther in this life if she can just remained innocent, uninspired, and undeveloped.

of course, here i am, still with all my insight applying the fucking cream!

so i delved a bit deeper into the phenomenon that has become the youth and wanna-be youths of this country. and here is what i’ve decided. all of the manipulations toward younger looking skin and hair (all along the subtle to drastic scale) are just cover up, a metaphor if you will, for what we are all really, desperately after.... that is, a life, a soul, a heart, and a body that remains beautiful, sweet, and generally unaffected by the horror and heartbreak that we’ve all come to face on a daily basis.
and to that, i say, “touche!” and “pass me my wrinkle cream!”


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